Tween Clubs

RCF 2018 Summer in Review

Because children’s ministries are such a large part of what we do, the summer is always an extremely busy and chaotic part of our yearly cycle. Typically, we host multiple short-term missionary teams and minister in multiple cities. It is often a stream of activities that both seems to never end and finishes before [...]

NT Unified Curriculum Completed!

Early in the summer of 2017, the Roma Christian Fellowship reach a milestone. The New Testament portion of RCF’s Unified Curriculum was completed and taught to about 80 people! The Unified Curriculum teaches the Bible across three generational tracks (child, teen/tween, and adult), primarily using an evangelistic, historical narrative approach that also stresses carefully chosen [...]

By |2017-09-18T15:16:33+02:00September 18th, 2017|Family Bible Studies, Klema Clubs, Tween Clubs, Unified Curriculum|
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