Željka was born in Slavonski Brod in 1985 and grew up in a Catholic family. She was 20 when she got saved by God’s grace. From the beginning, Željka was involved in serving at the local Baptist church, which in turn led her to Bible college to study theology and Christian children education (Sunday school teacher). She started helping Andy and Lim in the Roma ministry in 2011. Željka was surprised how much the Roma were open to the Word of God, and still how little interest was among the Christians to bring the Word to Roma just because they are Roma. Through that realization, the Lord called her to serve in the Roma ministry.
Sergej was born in Sisak in 1990 and he also grew up in a Catholic family. He was 17 when he repented and met the Lord. After finishing high school, Sergej went to a Bible Academy to study theology and biblical studies. After that, he started serving wherever he could, which eventually led him to Slavonski Brod to start helping Andy, Lim, and Željka in the Roma ministry in the summer of 2013. Following the summer of 2014, Sergej realized the Lord wants him in the Roma ministry and he got fully involved in the Roma ministry in Slavonski Brod.
Sergej and Željka
God brought us into this ministry in a marvelous way, and He brought us together in a marvelous way, too. Through the every day serving together, we got to know each other more deeply and more personally, and we became good friends. After a while, our love was born, and we got married in 2016.
Our vision is to serve to the Roma and to establish churches and see mature Christians among the Roma. This is our prayer and our desire. This is what the Lord has put on our hearts.