From the 28th of June to the 1st of July we had the first Klema Club Carnival in the Capraške Poljane Roma village outside of Sisak, Croatia . With this program we wanted to shared God’s love with the children through Bible stories, crafts, songs and games.

110 kids came on the first day of the Klema Club Carnival. Since we knew it that it would be very hot, we made sure the kids could sit and enjoy our program in the shade.

Using drama, on the first day we told the story how Jesus calmed the storm.

After the Bible story, we divided the kids into 5 groups.

In their groups, the children made a craft that is connected to the Bible story.

Singing songs on the the second day of the Carnival.
On the second day we did a Bible story drama about the Prodigal son. For the craft, the kids colored a bag on which was a cross and the verse John 3:16.

Every day we practiced our whole program. Here we are practicing singing songs while in costume for the skit.

Practicing a Bible story for day third. It is the Bible story about the parable of the sower and the 4 soils.

Every day during lunch, dinner and break time we had nice a time of fellowship. We were very thankful to the Sisak Betel Baptist church for letting us use their space all week!
Why we did go to Sisak, Capraške Poljane?
As we served in Slavonski Brod many saw our program and were amazed. One time during our program there were some people from Sisak and they invited us to come to their village in Capraške Poljane, outside of Sisak. The Roma villages of Slavonski Brod and Capraške Poljane are sister villages, with many marriages between them. We went to Sisak for the first time in 2013. Since then, we have visited this village every year to bring the Good News about Jesus Christ.
Last summer we had a visit from a team from the US, brought by our coworkers from Budapest. We spent a few days serving together in Slavonski Brod, then we also spent a few days serving in Sisak. Just two months after their visit, their leader sent an e-mail that he wanted his church to come back to Sisak and that their church will pray for this village. God opened the door and 8 people from Master’s Community Church in Kansas City came this summer to be living instruments of grace for our Lord.

The team that was serving together in Sisak.
Even though there were 21 of us of different ages, cultures, and nationalities, Christ has made us one. Please pray that the seeds that were planted fall on good soil and grows and gives much, much fruit! Also, please pray for a full time team to commit to minister this this wonderful village!